Qing Shao
Release date: 2024-08-26

Qing Shao



Title:   Associate Professor

Highest   Degree: Ph.D.

Research   Interests: Sociolinguistics, Language Education, Contemporary Social Theory

Contact:   shaoqing@gxu.edu.cn

Educational Background 

Doctor of Philosophy in Education, The University of Hong Kong

Professional Experience

Since December 2021, serving as a faculty member in the Department of English, School of Foreign Languages, Guangxi University


Research Methods and Academic Writing

Languages and Cultures in SEA countries

Applied Linguistics

Main Academic Papers

1.      Shao, Q. (2016). Keeping the policy window closed: Framing Putonghua as a medium of instruction in Hong Kong. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(5-6), 771-779.

2.      Shao, Q., & Gao, X. (2016). Reticence and willingness to communicate (WTC) of East Asian language learners. System, 63, 115-120.

3.      Shao, Q., & Gao, X. (2017). ‘Noisy guests shall not unseat the host’: Framing high-stakes English examinations in mainland China’s state-controlled print media. English Today, 33(3), 25-30.

4.      Tao, J., Shao, Q., & Gao, X. (2017). Ethics-related practices in Internet-based applied linguistics research. Applied Linguistics Review, 8(4), 321-353.

5.      Gao, X., & Shao, Q. (2018). Language policy and mass media. In The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, edited by J. Tollefson and M. Pérez-Milans, 299-317. Oxford University Press.

6.      Stapleton, P., & Shao, Q. (2018). A worldwide survey of MATESOL programs in 2014: Patterns and perspectives. Language Teaching Research, 22(1), 10-28.

7.      Stapleton, P., & Shao, Q. (2018). Research in language teaching over two decades: A retrospective of the first 20 volumes of Language Teaching Research. Language Teaching Research, 22(3), 350-369.

8.      Shao, Q., & Gao, X. (2019). Protecting language or promoting dis-citizenship? A poststructural policy analysis of the Shanghainese Heritage Project. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 22(3), 352-364.

9.      Shao, Q., & Gao, X. (2020). Methods and approaches in language policy research. In The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, edited by J. McKinley and H. Rose, 253-263. Routledge.



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