Qin Ailing
Release date: 2024-08-26

Qin Ailing


TitleAssistant   Professor

Mater’s   Tutor

Highest   Degree: Doctor degree

Research   Interest   Country and Regional Studies In Southeast Asia, History and Present Situation   of China, Vietnamese Language and Culture


Contact   Information: 34376201@qq.com


Bachelor of Literature at Guangxi University for Nationalities

Master of Science in Management, National Economics University, Hanoi, Viet Nam

Ph.D. in History from the University of Chinese Academy of Social Science

Work Experience

December 2018-present Teaching at Guangxi University, School of Foreign Languages


Undergraduate Courses: Basic Vietnamese (I), Chinese-Vietnamese Interpretation, Vietnamese for Tourism, Introduction to Vietnam.

Graduate Courses: Sight Interpreting, Translation for Tourism.

Research Grants

1.Research on Vietnam's Documentary Records on China's Sovereignty over the South China Sea and Its International Legal Effect" (Project No. 19BZS132), General Project of National Social Science Found of China.

2.Research on U.S. Youth Public Diplomacy in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar) (Project No. 22XT0572), 2022 Youth Development Research Project of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, completed.

3.Researching and implementing professional training for minority languages in ASEAN (Project No. 2010JGZ086), Guangxi Undergraduate Teaching Reform Key Project of Higher Education in 2010.

4.Conducted research on the enhancement of China-Vietnam relations by Chinese enterprises operating in Vietnam, with a focus on strategic considerations related to South China Sea security (Project No. KY2015YB547), 2015 Science and Technology Research Project of Universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, completed.

5.Participated in 12 national-level, provincial-level, ministerial-level or departmental-level projects.



Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Practical Vietnamese Course 4 Intensive Reading II, Chongqing University Press, February 2012 edition.

Dictionaries and Annals:

1. Co-editor: New Chinese-Vietnamese Dictionary, a project of the National Publication Fund, Guangxi Education Publishing House, December 2013.

2. Co-editor: Vietnam National Situation Report (2014), Social Science Literature Publishing House, December 2014

3. Co-editor: Vietnam National Situation Report (2015), Social Science Literature Publishing House, December 2015

4. Co-editor: Literature on Regulations of Major Political Parties in the World: Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Cuba, Central Compilation and Translation Press, December 2016

5. Co-editor: Yearbook of Chinese Frontier Studies (2017), China Social Science Press, November 2017

1.       “Textual Analysis of the Place Name of the South China Sea in the Han-Nom Historical Books of Vietnam,” Pacific Journal, No.6, 2022, CSSCI, solo author

2.       Comparative Analysis and Cooperation Path Research of the Construction of Marine Ecological Civilization between China and Vietnam, Journal of Guangxi University (Philosophy and Social Science) No.3, 2023, CSSCI, solo author

3.       A Comparative Analysis of Vietnamese Translation of Chinese Specific Words in Chinese and Vietnamese Official Media, Journal of PLA Foreign Language University No.5 2023,CSSCI, first author

4.       Analysis of the Phased Characteristics of Sino-Vietnam Maritime Disputes and the Trajectory of Bilateral Relations" (Chinese Borderland Science), No.1, 2018, CSSCI, solo author

5.       Analysis of Vietnam's Sovereignty Claim and Historical Evidences to “Hoang Sa” and “Truong Sa Islands”, Journal of Guangxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No. 2, 2017,PKU Core Journal, solo author

6.       “Analysis of Translation Techniques for the '' Sentence in Vietnamese-to-Chinese Translation: A Case Study of the Chinese Translation of 'Chí Phiêu'”, “Culture and Communication,” No 6, 2023, AMI, first author

7.  Second language identification of Vietnamese tones by native Mandarin learners, Proceedings of Interspeech 2023, 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-334corresponding author

8.       Discussion on Promoting the Development of Trade and Economic Relations Between Guangxi and VietnamInnovation, Issue 5, 2010, solo author

9.       "Analysis and Research on the Current Status of Internship and Practical Training Teaching for ASEAN Language Majors," Education Observation, Issue 7, 2013, first author

10.   Construction of a Quality Evaluation Index System for Internship and Practical Training of ASEAN Language Majors, University Education, Issue 13, 2013, first author

11.   "Promoting the Development of Trade Relations Between Guangxi, China and Vietnam," Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade's Business Magazine (ISSN 0866-7500), Issue 7, 2010, solo author

12.   Practical Solutions for the Development of Trade Relations Between Guangxi, China and Vietnam, Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade's Business Magazine (ISSN 0866-7500), Issue 10, 2010, solo author

13.   On the Opportunities and Strategies in the Development Process of China-Vietnam Economic and Trade Cooperation, A Collection of Studies on China-ASEAN under the Belt and Road Initiative, Tsinghua University Press, November 2015, solo author

14.   Opportunities and Challenges Faced by the Cultivation of ASEAN Language Talents in Guangxi under the Strategy of Becoming a Strong Maritime Nation, Art Appraisal, Issue 4, 2015, solo author

15.   Research and Practice on the Cultivation of High-Quality Vocational Talents for ASEAN Language Majors Serving the Strategy of Becoming a Strong Maritime Nation, Wealth Intelligence Era, Issue 5, 2015, solo author

16.   Political Report of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam at the 12th National Congress (Part I), Nanyang Materials Translation Series, Issue 4, 2016, thirst author

17."Political Report of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam at the 12th National Congress (Part II), Nanyang Materials Translation Series, Issue 1, 2017, thirst author

Policy Advisory Report

1.       Research report on countermeasures and information adopted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

2.       14 political reports accepted by the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Government


Excellent Instructor of the Second Prize of Grade Three Group of 2024 CATTI Cup of 11th National Universities Students Vietnamese Speech Contest

Excellent Instructor of the First Prize of Grade Three Group of 2023 the 10th National Universities Students Vietnamese Speech Contest

Excellent Instructor of the Third Prize of 2023 Vietnamese Interpretation Competition of Guangxi Universities Non-General Language Majors Skills Competition

Second Prize Thesis of 2023 China-ASEAN International Symposium on Language Service, Translation Technology and Cultural Communication, the First Sub-Forum of China-ASEAN Regional Cooperation and Development Forum, Guangxi University, Guangxi, China

Excellent Instructor of the Second Prize of 2022 Vietnamese Interpretation Competition of Guangxi Universities Non-General Language Majors Skills Competition

Excellent Instructor of 2022 Guangxi New Silk Road New Year's E-commerce Festival and Cross-border E-commerce Anchor Competition

Excellent Labor Union Activist of Guangxi University, 2021-2022

Second Prize for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of 2018 Graduating Class of Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

"Outstanding Graduate Student" of Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for 2017-2018 academic year

First Prize of 2017 China South China Sea Research Collaborative Innovation Scholarship

"Outstanding Graduate Student" of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for 2016-2017 academic year

Second Prize of the 2016 China South China Sea Research Collaborative Innovation Scholarship

Academic Advanced Individual of Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

First Prize of Thesis Competition of China-ASEAN Economic Development Seminar of National Provincial and Municipal Social Science Associations in 2011

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