Peng Cheng
Release date: 2024-08-26

Peng Cheng

cid:knhcmnrcTitle: Professor

Doctoral Supervisor

Political   Affiliation: Member of the Communist Party of China

Highest   Degree: Doctorate (Postdoctoral)

Research   Directions: Theoretical and Practical Research of Japanese-Chinese   Translation, History of Modern Sino-Japanese Relations, History of the War of   Resistance Against Japan, History of the Communist Party of China



2008.4-2011.3 Graduate School of International Culture StudiesKobe University, Japan, PostgraduatePhDFully funded by the Japanese Government Scholarship

2007.10-2008.3 Pre-doctoral Program at Graduate School of International Culture StudiesKobe University, Japan

2006.9-2007.9 Studying at the Preparatory School for Studying in Japan at Northeast Normal University

2003.9-2006.6 Majoring in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Hunan Normal University, Master's degree, MA (Exchanged at Tsuru University, Japan, from April 2004 to March 2005)

1999.9-2003.6 Department of Japanese Language, Hunan Normal University, Bachelor's degree, BA

Work Experience

2022.1-      Professor, School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Guangxi University

2018.1-2021.12    Postdoctoral Researcher, College of History and Culture, Hunan Normal University

2016.4-2017.3     Special Lecturer for Foreigners (Chinese Language Teacher), Faculty of International Culture, Kobe University, Japan

2015.7-2015.8     Visiting Scholar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2011.12-2021.12  Teacher of the Japanese Language Department and Academic Leader of the Japanese Language Discipline, School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Technology

2011.4-2012.3   Collaborative Researcher, Center for Intercultural Research, Kobe University, Japan


Graduate Courses

Practical Translation, Japanese 1, Japanese 2

Undergraduate Courses

Advanced Japanese, Introduction to Japanese Literature Overview of JapanAcademic Paper Writing

Publications (Monographs, Translations, Compilations, Textbooks)

I. Monographs

1. Peng Cheng, "A Study on the History of Enslavement Education Implemented by Japan in Enemy-occupied Area in North China During the War of Resistance Against Japan", Beijing: Thread-Binding Books Publishing House, 556,000 words, 2018, ISBN 978-7-5120-2879-1

II. Compilations

1. Zhang Jijiao, Chen Jie, Peng Cheng, "Southeast Asian Historical Documents Series - Studies on Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia in Modern Times (Borneo Research Materials, Volume I)" (35 volumes), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2023, ISBN 978-988-76290-2-3.

2. Zhang Jijiao, Chen Jie, Peng Cheng, "Southeast Asian Historical Documents Series - Studies on Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia in Modern Times (Borneo Research Materials, Volume II)" (32 volumes), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2023, ISBN 978-988-76290-3-0.

3. Zhang Jijiao, Chen Jie, Peng Cheng, "Southeast Asian Historical Documents Series - Studies on Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia in Modern Times (Borneo Research Materials, Volume III)" (31 volumes), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2023, ISBN 978-988-76290-4-7.

4. Peng Cheng, "Compilation of Japanese Research Documents on China in the Early 20th Century (Volume I)" (38 volumes), Hong Kong: Fuchi Antiquarian Books Publish Limited, 2022, ISBN 978-988-76248-3-7.

5. Peng Cheng, "Compilation of Japanese Research Documents on China in the Early 20th Century (Volume II)" (37 volumes), Hong Kong: Fuchi Antiquarian Books Publish Limited, 2022, ISBN 978-988-76248-5-1.

6. Peng Cheng, "Compilation of Japanese Research Documents on China in the Early 20th Century - Manchuria and Mongolia Volume" (38 volumes), Hong Kong: Fuchi Academy, October 2021, ISBN 978-7-5120-4439-5.

7. Peng Cheng, "Compilation of Rare Ancient Chinese Collections of Impressions of Seals" (22 volumes), Beijing: Thread-Binding Books Publishing House, 2020. ISBN 978-7-5120-4106-6.

8. Li Jing, Peng Cheng, "Compilation of Western Scientific Books Translated by Modern Westerners in China in the Special Collection of London Missionary Society, National Library of Australia" (10 volumes), Beijing: Thread-Binding Books Publishing House, 2020. ISBN 978-7-5120-4145-5.


1. Peng Cheng, "A Survey on Foreign Public Facilities in China (1916, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)"  (Japanese-Chinese comparison, 4 volumes, including 2 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2023.

2. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Archives and Compilations on Chinese Communist Movement in Japanese Collections (1921-1945)" (Volume One: Soviet Area, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 12 volumes, including 4 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fu Chi College Publish Limited, 2016.

3. Peng Cheng, "Archives and Compilations on Chinese Communist Movement in Japanese Collections (1921-1945)" (Volume Two: Mao Zedong, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 10 volumes, including 2 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2017.

4. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Compilations of Archives on Chinese Revolutionary Movements in Japanese Collections" (Volume One: New Fourth Army, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 21 volumes, including 10 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

5. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Compilations of Archives on Chinese Revolutionary Movements in Japanese Collections" (Volume Two: Battle of Changde, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 4 volumes, including 2 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

6. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Compilations of Archives on Chinese Revolutionary Movements in Japanese Collections" (Volume Three: Third Battle of Changsha, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 4 volumes, including 2 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

7. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Compilations of Archives on Chinese Revolutionary Movements in Japanese Collections" (Volume Four: Xi'an Incident, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 4 volumes, including 2 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

8. Peng Cheng, Zhu Bing, "Compilations of Archives on Chinese Revolutionary Movements in Japanese Collections" (Volume Five: Early Marxist Ideology in China, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 2 volumes, including 1 volume in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

9. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Compilations of Archives on Late Qing Dynasty Chinese affairs in Japanese Collections" (Volume One: Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 4 volumes, including 2 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

10. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Compilations of Archives on Late Qing Dynasty Chinese affairs in Japanese Collections" (Volume Two: Japanese Missionaries in China during the Late Qing Dynasty, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 9 volumes, including 3 volumes in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

11. Peng Cheng, Liu Ruohui, "Compilations of Archives on Late Qing Dynasty Chinese affairs in Japanese Collections" (Volume Three: Meteorological Data of the Top Ten Cities in China during the Late Qing Dynasty, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 2 volumes, including 1 volume in Chinese translation), Hong Kong: Fuchi College Publish Limited, 2020.

12. Peng Cheng, "Archives and Compilations on Chinese Communist Movement in Japanese Collections (1921-1945)" (Volume Four: Korean Communist Movement in China, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 65 volumes, including 14 volumes in Chinese translation), to be published.

13. Peng Cheng, "Archives and Compilations on Chinese Communist Movement in Japanese Collections (1921-1945)" (Volume Five: Eighth Route Army, Japanese-Chinese comparison, 25 volumes, including 10 volumes in Chinese translation), to be published.

14. Peng Cheng, "Compilations of Archives on Shantou in Japanese Collections" (Volume One: Comprehensive), Shantou: Shantou University Press, 2019, ISBN 978-7-5658-3465-3.

15. Peng Cheng, "Compilations of Archives on Shantou in Japanese Collections" (Volume Two: Survey Reports), Shantou: Shantou University Press, to be published.

16. Huang Dahui, Li Feng, Wang Juan, Peng Cheng, Democracy and Patriotism - Nationalism and Publicness in Post-War Japan (Volume One and Volume Two), Social Sciences Academic Press, 2020. ISBN 978-7-5201-6401-6.

17. Peng Cheng, "The Spiritual History of the 'Vanquished'" (Volume Two), Guangxi Normal University Press, to be published.


1. Li Yi, Peng Cheng, Ran Yi, "Ten Lectures on Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature," Beijing: Peking University Press, 2013.

2. Peng Cheng, "Concise Packaging Japanese Tutorial," manuscript completed.

3. Peng Cheng, "900 Basic Japanese Phrases for Beginners," Beijing: Xueyuan Audio-Visual Publishing House, 2004.

Major Academic Papers

I.Overseas (Japan)

1. Peng Cheng, 2011. "Japanese Observation Travel of Chinese Students in North China During Wartime," International Cultural Studies, (3): 1-17.

2. Peng Cheng, 2010. "An Investigation into the Thoughts of Chinese Youth in North China During Wartime," Regional and Social Studies, (9): 30-37.

3. Peng Cheng, 2010. "A Critical Examination on ‘New Democracy'," Heshan Journal, (6): 21-39.

4. Peng Cheng, 2009. "On the Formation Process of‘New Democracy'," International Cultural Studies, (3): 139-159.

5. Peng Cheng, 2005. "How Should China Respond to Japan's Desire to Become a Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council?" Comparative Cultural Perspectives, (3): 21-25.

6. Peng Cheng, 2005. "It is Too Early to Graduate from a School that Receives ODA from China," Regional and Social Studies, (3): 16-20.


1. Peng Cheng, 2024, "Five Groups of Sino-Japanese Educational Documents in the late Qing Dynasty in Japanese Collections," Historical Archives (CSSCI), (2): 30-45.

2. Tong Jiangning, Peng Cheng, 2024, "A Meeting with Ms. Ding Ling by Japanese Friend Hori Reimei," Historical Studies of Modern Literature (CSSCI), (1): 86-92.

3. Peng Cheng, Luo Ziqi, 2023, "Under the Banner of 'Resistance Against Japan' - A Study on the 'Jiaotian Incident' in Shantou," Studies on Guangzhou Encyclopedia (1), 222-237.

4. Peng Cheng, Luo Ziqi, 2023, "The Sanitation Work of the Rear Battlefront Operations by the Japanese Army of Aggression - Taking the 15th Division as an Example," Military History (3), 92-98. This article is included in "Research on Sino-Foreign Relations and Modern China" (edited by the Sino-Foreign Treaty Research Center of Hunan Normal University, December 2023, 386-399).

5. Tong Jiangning, Peng Cheng, 2023, "A Study on the Japanese Translation of Mao Zedong's Lecture Notes on‘Rural Education Issues' in 1926," Republican Archives (CSSCI), (1), 58-64.

6. Peng Cheng, 2022, "A Review of the First Sino-Japanese Collaborative Research on the Nationalist-Communist Relations After World War II," Studies on Guangzhou Encyclopedia (1), 249-258.

7. Peng Cheng, 2022, "A Group of Archives on the Tokyo Branch of the Chinese Left-wing Writers' Alliance in Japanese Collections: Hu Feng, Nie Gannu, and Zhou Ying," Historical Studies of Modern Literature (CSSCI), (1), 14-17.

8. Peng Cheng, Liu Honghua, 2021, "‘Dead’ and ‘Alive’: A Study on the English Translation of Titles of Sidney Shapiro's Red Literature Works," Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (2), 50-63.

9. Peng Cheng, 2021, "A Review of Archives on the Third Battle of Changsha in Japanese Collections," Encyclopedia Knowledge, (6), 3-8.

10. Peng Cheng, 2019, "A Review of Archives on the New Fourth Army in Japanese Collections," Military History Research (CSSCI) (5), 114-124.

11. Peng Cheng, 2018, "The Image of Mao Zedong in the Japanese Archives (1928-1945)," CPC History Studies (CSSCI) (2), 116-122.

12. Peng Cheng, Cheng Shujia, 2019, "A Review of Japanese Scholarly Research on Zhou Enlai in the Past Thirty Years (1988-2017)," Journal of Hunan University of Technology (3), 114-119.

13. Peng Cheng, Li Fuxing, 2018, "On the Formation of 'New Democracy'," Nankai Japan Studies. 239-251.

14. Peng Cheng, Zhu Changbo, 2019, "A Group of Archives on Lin Yutang's Anti-Japanese Activities in Japanese Collections," Historical Studies of Modern Literature (CSSCI), (4), 49-54.

15. Peng Cheng, 2018, "A Group of Letters between Guo Moruo and His Creation Society Colleagues Found in Japan," Historical Studies of Modern Literature (CSSCI), (3), 49-54.

16. Peng Cheng, 2019, "A Report on the Internal Disciplinary Violations of the 58th Japanese Army Division During the Battle with the New Fourth Army in 1942," Military History Research (CSSCI), (1), 114-124.

17. Peng Cheng, 2018, "A Review of the Research on the New Fourth Army in Post-war Japan," Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University, (4), 167-171.

18. Peng Cheng, Liu Xiaojun, 2019, "A Preliminary Discussion on the Beginning of the Enslavement Education in Enemy-occupied Area in North China During the War of Resistance Against Japan—A Study on the Establishment Process of the Puppet Xinmin College," Journal of Northeast Asian Studies (2), 137-144.

19. Peng Cheng, Liu Xiaojun, 2017, "A Study on the Enslavement Education in Enemy-occupied Area in North China During the War of Resistance Against Japan—Taking the‘Japanese Observation Travel' of Chinese Students at the Puppet National Xinmin College as an Example," Nankai Japan Studies (12), 141-150.

20. Peng Cheng, 2017, "Historical Materials on the Activities of the Communist Party of China and the‘Encirclement and Suppression' by the Guangdong Army in Guangdong and Adjacent Areas in 1930—Reports from the Japan’s Consulate in Shantou to the Domestic Authorities," Military History Research (CSSCI), (1), 98-109.

21. Peng Cheng, 2017, "Six Japanese Archives on Zhou Zuoren," Historical Studies of Modern Literature (CSSCI), (4): 37-41.

22. Peng Cheng, 2019, "Government Official Correspondence on the Japanese Monks’ Missionaries in China by the End of Qing Dynasty Found in Japanese Collections," Historical Archives (CSSCI), (4): 47-53.

23. Peng Cheng, 2017, "A Study on the Impact of the Red Third Army Crops' First Attack on Changsha—From the Perspective of the Japanese Archives," Journal of the Party School for the Departments Directly under Shanxi Provincial Committee of the CPC (1): 89-92.

24. Peng Cheng, 2015, "A Study on the Poetic Forms and Structure of the Japanese Literature‘Man'yoshu'," Language Planning (Core Journal of Peking University), (8): 69-70.

25. Peng Cheng, Liu Min, 2015, "A Study on the Chinese Translation of Japanese Anime Lyrics from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics," Journal of Hunan University of Technology, (8): 110-115.

26. Peng Cheng, 2015, "An Analysis by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Causes of the Failure of the Great Revolution in China in the Early 1930s," Journal of Changchun Education Institute, (1): 1-3.

27. Peng Cheng, 2009, "A Study on the Puppet National Xinmin College—Centered on Japanese Teachers," Journal of Eastern Liaoning University (Social Science Edition), (12): 114-120.

Research Grants (Leading. Provincial-level and Above)


I.Vertical Projects

1.  2024-2026, Exploration and Practice of Cultivating Reserve Talents of 'Strategic Social Scientists' for National and Regional Studies Facing ASEAN (Project Number: XWK202429), 2024 New Engineering, New Medical Science, New Agriculture, and New Liberal Arts Research and Practice Project of Guangxi, 30,000 RMB.

2. 2022-2024, Translation and Compilation of Post-War Southeast Asian Countries' Diplomatic Archives in Japanese on China (1947-1966) (Project Number: 15@ZH009), Sub-project of National Social Science Fund Major Commission Project (Collection and Historical Research of Archives on China's Relations with Neighboring Countries), 140,000 RMB, .

3. 2022-2023, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on Tibet's Resistance to Foreign Aggression in Japanese Collections (1886-1944) (Project Number: 2022-TFSCC-20), General Project of Tibet Special Research Project on Forging A Keen Sense of Chinese National Identity, 20,000 RMB.

4. 2021-2023, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on the Tokyo Branch of the Chinese Communist Party in Japanese Collections (Project Number: 21JHQ026), Later-stage Funding General Project of Ministry of Education's Philosophy and Social Science Fund, 100,000 RMB.

5. 2021-2026, Compilation and Research of Archives on the Chinese Communist Party's News Propaganda in Japanese Collections (1937-1941) (Project Number: 21&ZD323), Sub-project of National Social Science Fund Major Bidding Project (Compilation and Research of Archives on the Chinese Communist Party's News Propaganda in Japanese Collections (1921-1945)).

6. 2021-2025, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on Guizhou in Japanese Collections (1883-1944) (Project Number: 21GZGX12), Nationality Studies Major Project of Guizhou Provincial Social Science Fund, 300,000 RMB.

7. A Research on the Historical Facts of Japan's Implementation of Enslavement Education in Enemy-occupied Area in North China During the War of Resistance Against Japan, 2020 Hunan Province Social Science Achievement Appraisal Subject (Project Number: Hunan Society Review2020J035), completed.

8. 2020-2024, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on the Eighth Route Army in Japanese Collections (Project Number: 20BDJ086), General Project of National Social Science Fund of China, 200,000 RMB.

9. 2020-2022, Research on the Construction and Application of Micro-course Resources in Foreign Language Majors in Local Engineering Colleges in the Internet Plus Era (Project Number: HNJG-2020-0594), Teaching Reform Research Project of Hunan Province General Higher Education Institutions, 20,000 RMB, completed.

10. 2020-2022, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Correspondence between the Japan’s Consulate General in Guangdong (1910-1946) (Project Number: 2020GZDD01), Guangzhou Encyclopedia Project of Guangzhou Social Science Fund, 50,000 RMB, completed.

11.2020-2022, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on the Battle of Changsha in Japanese Collections (Project Number: XSP20YBZ177), General Project of Hunan Provincial Social Science Achievements Review Committee, 20,000 RMB, completed.

12.2018-2020, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on Missionaries in China at the End of the Qing Dynasty in Japanese Collections (Project Number: 2018M630904), First-Class Funding for the 63rd Postdoctoral Surface Project, 80,000 RMB, completed.

13.2015-2019, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on the New Fourth Army in Japanese Collections (Project Number: 15BDJ054), General Project of National Social Science Fund of China, 200,000 RMB, completed.

14.2018-2021, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on "Hunan Army's Resistance Against Japan" in Japanese Collections, Outstanding Youth Project of Hunan Provincial Department of Education (18B302), 20,000 RMB, completed.

15.2014-2017, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on the Chinese Soviet Area in Japanese Collections (Project Number: 14YJC770024), Youth Project of Humanities and Social Science Fund of Ministry of Education, 80,000 RMB, completed.

16. 2014-2017, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on Mao Zedong in Japanese Collections (Project Number: 14YBA145), General Project of Hunan Provincial Social Science Fund, 15,000 RMB, completed with a good evaluation.

17. 2018-2021, Compilation and Research of Archives on the Battle of Changde in Japanese Collections (Project Number: XSP18YBZ077), Project of Hunan Provincial Social Science Achievements Review Committee, 20,000 RMB, completed.

II. Horizontal Projects (Academic Only)

1. 2023-2026, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on Modern Chinese Business Customs in Japanese Collections (1873-1945) (Project Number: 2023-Y06), General Project of the Seventh "Great Wall of Commerce" of Yonyou Foundation, 150,000 RMB.

2. 2024, The Position and Influence of Asia in the Construction of Globalization, Eurasia Foundation Lecture Series, 28,000 USD.

3. 2023-2026, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Correspondence between the Japan’s Consulate General in Chongqing and Chengdu (1896-1937), Major Project of Bashu Culture Research Center, Key Research Base of Ministry of Education, Sichuan Normal University, 25,000 RMB.

4. 2021-2022, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Archives on China's Modern Social Relief in Japanese Collections, China Charity Federation Project (Project Number: 2021ZLJH-13), 20,000 RMB, completed. 

5. 2016-2018, Translation, Compilation, and Research of Reports Made by the Japan’s Consulate in Shantou During the Republic of China Period (1912-1945) (Project Number: 16FY02), Research Project of Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center, completed.

6. 2019-2020, Compilation of Archives on Shantou in Japanese Collections (Volume 2) (Project Number: 19FY01), Research Project of Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center, 10,000 RMB, completed.

7. 2021-2022, Compilation of Archives on Shantou in Japanese Collections (Volume 3) (Project Number: 21FY01), Research Project of Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center, 10,000 RMB, completed.


Awards and Honors 

1.  Received the Annual Outstanding Paper Award from the Regional Society Association of Tsuru University, Japan, in 2009.

2.  Received the Governor's Award from Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, in 2008.

3.  "Comparison of Sino-Japanese Exchange Systems" - The Supervisor of Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Thesis at Hunan University of Technology. 2015.

4.  Received the "Advanced Individual in Scientific Research" honorary title from Hunan University of Technology in 2016.

5.  "The Image of Mao Zedong in the Japanese Archives" won the third prize in the 6th Provincial Micro-course Competition (2020-04HN-07).

6.  "A Research on the Historical Facts of Japan's Implementation of Enslavement Education in Enemy-occupied Area in North China During the War of Resistance Against Japan" was identified as "Leading in the Province" by the 2020 Hunan Province Social Science Achievements Appraisal (XSP2020J20).

7.  "Archives and Compilations on Chinese Communist Movement in Japanese Collections (1921-1945)" won the third prize in the 10th "Hunan Province Foreign Language and Translation Outstanding Achievement Award", Hunan Federation of Social Sciences.

8.  "The Image of Mao Zedong in the Japanese Archives (1928-1945)" won the second prize in the 2019 Hunan Province Translation Annual Conference.

9.  On July 4, 2020, a special report was published by the provincial mainstream media, Rednet, titled "Peng Cheng, A Teacher at Hunan University of Technology: Soaring a Vast Distance with a Steadfastly Loyal Heart".

Academic Part-time Positions

National Social Science Fund Communication Review Expert and Achievement Appraisal Expert

Review Expert of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center

Managing Director of China Association for Multilingual Competence and Multilingual Education Research


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