Liang Yanhua
Release date: 2024-08-26

Liang Yanhua


Title: Professor

Master’s Supervisor

Highest Degree: Doctoral Degree

Research interests: Cognitive   Linguistics, Translation

Theory and Practice



1989.9-1993.6: South-Central Minzu University, B.A.

1996.9-1998.6: Guangxi University, School of Foreign Languages, Graduate Class

2000.9-2002.6: Guangxi University, School of Foreign Languages, M.A.

2005.9-2006.6: Peking University, School of Foreign Languages, Department of English (Senior Visiting Scholar, funded by the "Young Backbone" Teacher Project of the Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)

2009.9-2012.2: University of Hull, UK, Ph.D. (funded by the China Scholarship Council)


Work Experience

1993.8-present: School of Foreign Languages, Guangxi University (formerly served as Director of the Teaching and Research Office and Responsible Professor for English courses, currently the Associate Dean).



Undergraduate Courses

      College English

Graduate Courses

      Introduction to Linguistics

      Frontiers in Linguistics


1. Liang Yanhua. 2013. Language: Its Pragmatics use and Communication. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press. (Supported by the Guangxi University '211 Project' Phase IV Regional Culture Inheritance, Innovation, and Exchange Research Fund).

2. Liang Yanhua. Editorial Board Member. 2007. Practical Translation Handbook for the China-ASEAN Expo. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.

3. Liang Yanhua. Chief Editor. 2020. Consilience College English Cross-Cultural Reading (Volume 4). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Research Grants

  1. 2008.12-2010.5,       Research on Translation for Foreign Investment Attraction Projects in      Guangxi (Project No. 200804MS051), Department of Education of Guangxi      Zhuang Autonomous Region Project.

  2. 2007.10-2009.6,      Study on the Teaching Process of Experiential English in the Network      Ecological Chain Model (Project No. 06BYY0220408),      Sub-project of National Social Science Fund of China, concluded with an      excellent evaluation.

  3. 2013.1-2015.5,      Study of Pragmatic Thinking from the Perspective of Western Philosophy      (Project No. XBS12028), Guangxi University Doctoral Research Initiation      Project.

  4. 2018.10-2020.12,      Research on the Living Inheritance and Translation Paths of Beibu Gulf      Marine Culture (Project No. 18FWW001), Guangxi Social Science Fund.

  5. 2018.12-2020.12, Principal      Investigator, National College English Teaching and Research Project:      Construction and Application of Interactive Models for College English      Teaching in the Hypermedia Space Ecology (Project No. 2018GX0027A).

  6. 2018.4-2019.4,      Classics of Chinese Studies and the Happiness Index, Guangxi University      Online Course Project.

  7. 2018.4-2019.4,      Cognitive Linguistics, Guangxi University Online Course Project.

  8. 2019.4-2021.5,      Research and Practice of College English Ideological and Political Course      Based on "Micro-classes + WeChat" (Project No. 2019JGB113),      Guangxi Undergraduate Teaching Reform Project of Higher Education.

  9. 2022.5-2024.5,      Teaching Practice and Research Based on the "IEDPA" Model for      New Liberal Arts Foreign Language Teacher Ideological and Political      Construction Capability (Project No. 2022JGA111), Guangxi Undergraduate      Teaching Reform Project of Higher Education.

  10. 2021.10-2024.10,      Innovation and Practice of International Talent Training in a      "1+1+1" Dual Degree Model under the Belt and Road Initiative      (Project No. 2021110076), Ministry of Education's First Batch of New      Liberal Arts Research and Reform Practice Projects, the first research      team member .

Academic Papers

1. Liang Yanhua. 2013. Language Games and Forms of Life: On Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations and Its Status in Language Philosophy. Journal of Henan Normal University (CSSCI), (2):24-28.

2. Liang Yanhua. 2013. The Power of the Changing Concept of Quality in the Teaching of English in a Chinese University, indexed in one of the top five international databases, CPCI (formerly ISTP), Accession Number: WOS:000322345500078.

3. Liang Yanhua. 2013. China’s English Teaching Policies for Universities: Problems and Possibilities. In 2013 International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, American Applied Sciences Research Institute, USA, ISBN 978-1-937728-07-6:213-219.

4. Liang Yanhua. 2013. Survey Study on the IT Literacy of University Teachers. China Adult Education (National Chinese Core), (1):105-107.

5. Liang Yanhua. 2013. "Possible Worlds" and "Real Worlds" - Interpretation of Color Imagery and Cognitive Metaphors in Tang and Song Poetry. Writers (National Chinese Core), (6):201-202.

6. Liang Yanhua. 2009. A Relevance Theoretical Interpretation of Humorous Discourse in Comedy Skits. The Great Wall (National Chinese Core), (10):202-203.

7. Liang Yanhua. 2006. Grice’s Cooperative Principle: Deviations and Misunderstandings. Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (Visiting Scholar Special Issue), (10):129-132.

8. Liang Yanhua. 2019. An Interpretation of the Suppression of Polarity Meanings in Cross-Domain Metonymic Constructions. Modern Foreign Languages (CSSCI), (2):160-169.

9. Liang Yanhua. 2016. Study on the Implications of Speech Acts and Metaphoric Model Construction Mechanisms. Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, (4):58-63.

10. Liang Yanhua. 2016. Study on Metaphors and Conceptual Integration in Zhuang Folk Beliefs. Guangxi Ethnic Studies (CSSCI), (4):103-110.

11.  Liang Yanhua. 2019. Research on Back Translation of Sinology in the Perspective of Cultural Memory. Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies, (1):117-127.

12. Liang Yanhua. 2021. Mutual Learning, Communication, and Inclusiveness - A Review of the First Summit Forum on Country and Regional Studies (ASEAN). Foreign Languages and Translation, (3):94-96.



China Scholarship Council "Category A" Scholarship

Guangxi University Teaching Competition, First Prize

Guangxi University "My Favorite Teacher"

Guangxi University Humanities and Social Sciences Award, Second Prize

Instructor of Guangxi University "Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis (Dissertation) "

Supervisor of Guangxi University "Outstanding Graduate Thesis (Dissertation) "

Guangxi University Outstanding Lecturer in Public Basic Courses

National College English Competition, Outstanding Advisor Award

National Business English Translation Competition, Outstanding Advisor Award

Guangxi University Outstanding Communist Party Member, 2015-2019

Guangxi University 25th "My Favorite Teacher (Advisor Category)" Title

Academic Part-Time Positions

Executive Director of the Language Education and International Communication Committee, China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese

Board member of the Guangxi China-ASEAN Cultural Research Association

Member of the Chinese Pragmatics Association

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