Chen Bing
Release date: 2024-08-25

Title: Professor

Master’s Supervisor

Highest Degree: Master’s Degree

Research Interests: Translation Studies



1987-1991: Guangxi Normal University, B.A.

2001-2004: Guangxi University, M.A.

2007: Morehead State University, Kentucky, USA, Short-term Visiting Scholar in the Department of Communication, 3 months

2012: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Short-term Visiting Scholar at Centre for Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, 6 months

2015-2017: State University of New York, USA, Senior Visiting Scholar in the Department of Anthropology

Work Experience

1991-1997: Foreign Language Department, Guangxi Agricultural University

1997-present: School of Foreign Languages, Guangxi University


Undergraduate Courses

College EnglishEMI

Beauty of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Guangxi(EMI)

A Guide to English-Speaking Countries (EMI)

Graduate Courses

Languages and Cultures of Southeast AsiaEMI

Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)

Research Grants

1. Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Project (Approval Number: 11YJA740003).

2. Western Region Project of National Social Science Foundation of China  (Approval Number: 14XYY006).

3. Protection, Inheritance, and International Dissemination of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Guangxi (XDWX202306), Research Project of the Center for Literature and Culture Studies at Guangxi University.

4. 2023-2024, The Forbidden City: A History of China since the 15th Century, Chinese Academic Translation Project of National Social Science Foundation of China.


1. Newspaper Articles:

1) English variants reflect Southeast Asia’s identity awareness, China Daily, Sept.16, 2023.

2. Monographs and Translations:

1) Monograph, Research on Automobile Brand Naming and Translation, China Culture Publishing House, 2020.

2) Monograph, language situation of the ASEAN counties in relation to foreign language education policy of Guangxi, China Modern Publishing House. 2020.

3) Monograph, Cultural Memory, English Translation and International Communication of Guangxi Intangible Cultural Heritage Projects, China Modern Publishing House. 2022.

4) Monograph, Changing Southeast Asian Englishes: The Evolving National Identities Construction, China Culture Publishing House, 2024

5) Translation, Typeface design from pass to future, Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2021.

6) Translation Review, A Sketchbook of Chinese TheatreBookstone Global Publishing LLC2020.

7) Translation, Who is Spielberg, Penguin Books, 2022.

8) Translation, English Translation of the Pingguo Zhuang Liao Songs: March Songs, Shanghai Jiaotong University Publishing House, 2022.

9) Translation,  Pilot Exploration of New Paths for the Development of Farmers' Cooperatives in Guangxi – Case Studies of Pilot Demonstration Projects for Rural Poverty Alleviation in Poverty-stricken Areas of Guangxi with World Bank Loan, Guangxi Peoples Publishing House, 2024

Academic Papers

1. Review of the Youth Film Exhibition at the 2017 China-ASEAN Drama Week, Film Literature, 2017 (12)

2. Where the Heart Leads, the Body Follows—A Review of the Philippine Musical "Mindanao: A Tapestry of Life’s Ode," Song Sea, 2018 (3)

3. Overview of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Performing Arts in Southeast Asia, Song Sea, 2019 (1)

4. Review of Race and Linguistics: How Language Shapes Our Views on Race, Language Strategy Research, 2020 (1)

5. Cultural Landscape Analysis of the Huashan Rock Art Area, Contemporary Social Sciences, 2021, No. 3

6. Creative Style of the Large-Scale Zhuang Nationality Real-Scene Drama Flower Mountain under the Horizon of Expectations, Coastal Enterprises and Science & Technology, 2021 (6)

7. Study on the Translation Issues of Liao Songs in the Paradigm of "Great Translation," Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies, Issue 10, 2021

8. Sociological Analysis of the Overseas Translation, Introduction, and Publication of Novels by Guangxi Writers, Guangxi Social Sciences, Issue 4, 2021 (Chinese Core Journal)

9. Cultural Translation Study of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: Zhuang Liao Songs, Translation and Communication, Issue 4, 2021

10. Exploring Academic Achievement of the International Students from SUNY Albany, Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2021(4)

11. English Proficiency and Academic Achievement in the Philippines ESL CommunityAsia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2021(8)

12. Cultural Memories of Zhuang Liao Songs and Its English TranslationsAsia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2021(4)

13. Cultural Memory of Nanning's Traditional Rice Vermicelli in Intangible Cultural Heritage, Asia-Pacific Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, 2022 (1)

14. Study on the Inheritance Protection and Innovative Development of Zhuang Dao (Swords) in Intangible Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Cultural Memory, Asia-Pacific Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, 2022 (2)

15. Study on the Cultural Memory of Nanning’s Ancient Building Construction Techniques in Intangible Cultural Heritage, Coastal Enterprises and Science & Technology, 2022 (1)

16. Study on the Cultural Memory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: Nuo Drama, Song Sea, 2022 (2)

17. Belt and Road Initiative: Multilingual Opportunities and Linguistic Challenges for GuangxiPRCContemporary Social Sciences, 2022.No.2

18. Book Review of A Rainbow In The Mountains: Dress of The Yao—A Guide to Traditional Yao Costumes and Ornaments, Contemporary Social Sciences, 2023.No.1

19. Reconstructing and Investigating the Significance of Qinzhou Ni Xing Pottery's Cultural Memory, Nanning Normal University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences), July 2023


Thirteenth Guangxi Social Science Excellent Achievements Third Prize (Award No.201413322)

Recipient of the Hibiscus Flower Award for Outstanding Paper at the China-ASEAN Theatre Week for two consecutive sessions (2017, 2018)

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