Language Center
Release date: 2024-08-25

The Experimental Center of the School of Foreign Languages is designated as a provincial-level demonstration center for experimental teaching activities. The center currently features three teaching laboratories, located in rooms 401, 402, and 406 of the tenth teaching building on the east campus, covering a total area of approximately 150 square meters.

The core equipment includes Dongfang Zhenglong NEWCLASS DL900I and DL960 series, with one teacher terminal and 35 student terminals in each room.

The primary teaching tasks involve the teaching and language practice of the core undergraduate courses including Viewing, Listening, and Speaking (Parts I, II, and III), Vietnamese Reading, and Basic Thai, as well as specialized core courses such as Business English Interpreting, Liaison Interpreting, and Topic-Based Interpreting, etc. Additionally, the center offers elective courses like Survey of English-speaking Countries and Foreign Newspapers and Magazines.

The center also offers language self-training for undergraduates, including the spoken English and interpretation training and examinations for the Test for English Majors-Band 4 and Band 8.

The Language Center boasts extensive facilities, including digital language labs and multi-screen interactive smart rooms, encompassing 32 classrooms in total to meet diverse linguistic teaching, examination, and practice needs.

The center features four main functionalities: (1) autonomous learning, which offers students the opportunity to book self-study sessions using the centers high-quality foreign language resources; (2) smart teaching capabilities, which support recording and live streaming for comprehensive teacher-student interaction, facilitate random grouping for discussions, allow data collection on all learning activities and outcomes, enabling the creation of electronic student learning profiles; (3) IT management, which allows remote monitoring of each classroom and terminal; and (4) electronic supervisory functions, which enables remote classroom inspections and teaching supervision.

Simultaneous Interpreting Laboratory: with fan-shaped seating and interpreter-specific seats, it offers 360° panoramic full-process video recording system, supporting live streaming of teacher, student, and courseware in three screens simultaneously.

Digital Language Laboratory: with hexagonal tables allowing for flexible arrangement, fully digital multimedia language lab software on the teachers podium, as well as a visual digital open-source system on student end, it is well-designed for on-demand playback and movie dubbing training.

Multi-functional Smart Language Laboratory: with smart terminals, it facilitates various functions, including group discussions, simultaneous interpreting training, wireless simultaneous interpreting, dual redundancy backup, autonomous learning, and movie dubbing training. The flip-top desks allow for a seamless transition between the smart classroom setting and TOEFL or IELTS testing environments.

Smart Classroom: equipped with interactive smart tablets, allowing for multi-screen interaction where teachers and students can project content from their laptops, tablets, or smartphones onto classroom screens via wireless Wi-Fi; the intelligent recording system can automatically sense and track students speaking to complete automatic recording. This smart classroom can be used to conduct themed class meeting, offering a richer and more convenient learning and discussion experience with its smart tablets and multi-screen capabilities. Additionally, the blue and white modular round tables can also be used for small group discussions and learning activities.